
The following changes are set to be applied on 01.10.2023.

Change 1: The GBP24 service will not be available.

Due to the low demand in GBP and high SWIFT fees, we will stop providing GBP's cash deposit and cash payout services for new clients. All existing clients are informed and asked them to either make a GBP payout, or FX swap to other currencies.

There is no required change for wallet providers. The GBP24 contract is unchanged, it will be set to be paused only. However, we suggest wallet providers to hide GBP24 amount if the balance is zero.

Change 2: Cash Payout Fee from 1 EUR/CHF/GBP to free.

From 01.10.2023 we lowered the cash payout fee to zero. Meanwhile, instead of paying CHF24/EUR24/GBP24 directly to our account #9102, we introduced a new interface clientPayout()in the existing contracts:

0xd41F1f0cf89fD239ca4c1F8E8ADA46345c86b0a4 // CHF24 contract
0x2c5d06f591D0d8cd43Ac232c2B654475a142c7DA // EUR24 contract
0xbE00f3db78688d9704BCb4e0a827aea3a9Cc0D62 // USD24 contract
0x5fc17218196581864974574d715cFC7334794cBE // GBP24 contract, paused from 01.10.2023

The following code shows how to withdraw CHF or EUR to user's registered bank account, which has the id of EC-0000001 and EC-0000002, which can be retrieved from Get Client Profile

// JS code to payout cash (bank wire), withdraw 100.55 CHF
try {
    const tx = await chf24.clientPayout(10055, 'EC-0000001');
    const receipt = await tx.wait();
} catch(err) {

// JS code to payout cash (bank wire), withdraw 6.00 EUR
try {
    const tx = await eur24.clientPayout(600, 'EC-0000002');
    const receipt = await tx.wait();
} catch(err) {

Wallet providers should transit to this method as soon as possible. In few weeks, we will disable the possibility to send XXX24 cash tokens directly to #9102.

Last updated