Money Exchange

The Money Exchange, also called Currency Exchange, allows Fiat24 users to exchange one currency for another. For example, the user can exchange his USD for CHF.


All Fiat24 verified user are eligible for money exchange, and

  • Not in blocked or closed status

  • Monthly transaction limit not reached.


No fee, it's free.

Make a Forex


Choose currency pair

You have two ways to make a money transfer, either Sell exact amount of currency A or Buy exact amount of currency B.

  • To sell exact amount of Currency A, click Send button and then Forex tab.

  • To buy exact amount of Currency B, click Add button and the Forex tab.


Give the allowance to access the cash tokens

The money exchange contract need to be approved to take your currency A token from your wallet to swap to currency B token, so a blockchain allowance transaction need to be done.



The transaction takes seconds to execute. You can see the transactions in the different currencies reflect the exchange.

Last updated